Jan 20, 2020 | Arm, Body Area, Climbing, Finger
A climber with a finger injury…. This blog is inspired by a client who had attended the clinic with a finger injury. As part of his assessment we noticed how poor his finger flexibility was particularly on the injured hand. If you take a look at the photo below...
Mar 24, 2017 | Arm, Body Area, Climbing, Finger
You might not have the forearms of Frank McGrath, purported to have the biggest forearms in bodybuilding, but you can still have tight forearms regardless of your sport and occupation. Some recent clients with tight forearms prompted me to write a blog post on the...
Feb 10, 2017 | Body Area, Climbing, Finger
In my review of climbing research, I came across a study by Vigouroux who did some interesting research on the difference in wrist and finger strength between climbers and non-climbers. As you might expect, they found that climbers have greater finger flexor capacity...
Jan 9, 2017 | Climbing, Finger
I attended the BMC climbing injury symposium at the end of November 2016. Since then I’ve looked up a lot of the research on finger injuries to try put together a summary of what we know about pulley injury. The information comes from the presentations in the...