Coronavirus imageCovid-19 Guidelines

Client safety and well being has always been important to us. In light of Covid-19 we have been following HSE guidance and brought in new changes to our face-to-face Physical Therapy and Massage appointments to ensure therapist and client safety.  These are outlined below. We are also offering Online consultations for those who prefer to stay at home.


  • We will provide you with a face mask when you arrive if you don’t have your own.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available to clean your hands.
  • Your therapist will wear a face mask and gloves and will follow good hand hygiene
  • The clinic (plinth, chair, door handles etc) will be sanitized carefully before an after every client and the room well ventilated. Touch points with the clinic environment (toilet doors, taps etc) will also be regularly cleaned down.
  • Any towels used to cover the client will be single use and washed after the appointment
  • Any rehab equipment  (yoga mat, weights) used in the clinic will be sanitised after use
  • Except for treatment or where hands-on assessment is required, the therapist will aim to maintain a 2m distance during the appointment.

How the appointment will work

  • Contact the clinic to book an appointment or book online
  • Prior to the appointment you will receive a text and/or email with information about Covid symptoms. Please do not attend if you have symptoms. There is no cancellation charge.
  • When you arrive for your appointment please phone the clinic or ring the doorbell to let us know you have arrived
  • The therapist will meet you at the door. Hand sanitiser will be available to clean hands. A face mask if you don’t have your own will be provided.
  • Where possible a greater than 2m distance will be maintained between the therapist and the client for assessment and rehab parts of the appointment.
  • Please bring shorts which you can change into for lower back, hip, leg or foot injuries.
  • Where treatment or hands on assessment is given, it will be done so in a manner to reduce risk of transmission.
  • Appointments will be strictly 45mins to allow for cleaning between clients.

Please do not attend the clinic if:

  • you have a cold, fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, nausea, or a change in your sense of smell or taste.
  • have tested positive for Covid-19 or have been advised to self isolate
  • if you are awaiting a test for Covid-19 or are a close contact of someone with Covid-19.
  • if you have been advised to quarantine (e.g. after foreign travel)

There is no cancellation charge. Cancellations can be made on the day.

High risk clients

If you are considered high risk such you contract Covid-19 but need to attend the clinic for Physical Therapy, please contact the clinic. We will try facilitate you to have the first appointment of the day. This will ensure that no one will have attended ahead of you and the clinic treatment room will have been empty for 12-48 hours prior to your arrival.