Online Consultations

“Assess, diagnose, rehabilitate…..effective consultations from your own home”

If you would like to have an area of injury assessed, please get in contact. Since Covid-19 we have introduced online consultations and we are getting good feedback. A lot can be gleaned from looking at someone’s movement. Don’t be put off with the thought that an online assessment is less beneficial than an appointment in person, we can help you!

How do online consultations work?

1. Assess and diagnose

  • We will chat with you about your symptoms to get a clear picture of your presenting problem
  • We will screen you by asking you to perform various movements. By watching carefully, we can pick up anomalies or restrictions in these movements which can tell us a lot about the joints and muscular weakness or flexibility issues. We will also ask you to tell us how the movement feels. With this information we will come up with a diagnosis.

2. Develop a personalised rehab plan

We will develop a personalised rehab plan for you based on what you can do at home with or without equipment you already have at home. We will demonstrate these exercises to you and you will also practice them and get feedback from us.  This will help you address any issues in the long term by correcting weakness or flexibility issues picked up in the screen. The plan can include stretches, self-massage, postural or strengthening exercises. The plan will be emailed to you after the appointment

How to book an online physical therapy appointment

  1. You can book a slot using our online booking tool or contact us directly to book a time which might suit you better. Phone 01-5441225 or
  2. You will be sent a link prior to the appointment which will open the video call using Zoom. If you don’t have access to Zoom we can use another software
  3. The call will start at the booked time

How to prepare..

In preparation for an online video call please:

  • wear clothing that allows us see the area that is injured e.g. shorts for leg injuries, vest tops for ladies with shoulder injuries, short sleeves for elbow or wrist injuries.
  • if you were able to observe yourself in a mirror that would be great but not essential
  • ensure you have access to floor space to perform movements or exercises we do with you
  • payment can be made online at the end of the call, and a receipt will be issue on receipt of payment which you can send to your health insurer